Benefits of Membership

There are many benefits of membership for both novices and experienced woodturners:

Supporting Community Projects

Our woodturners are committed to serving the greater Chapel Hill area through a variety of ongoing projects. We make and donate “Beads of Courage” boxes for children who are patients at UNC Hospital; support the “Empty Bowls” project for Urban Ministries of Durham; create birdhouses for the NC Botanical Gardens; and make “Wings for Healing” angels for pediatric patients at Duke Hospital.

Joining the Chapel Woodturners Club

Chapel Hill Woodturners is a nonprofit woodturning club dedicated to the teaching and fostering of woodturning. Our fully equipped shop is located at 2616 Old Greensboro Road (behind Lawton Self Storage facility). Visit our Open Turning page for more information.

Membership in the club begins with non-members coming and turning on Fridays or Saturdays. You will learn safety practices, tool techniques, wood selection, design and finishing. Those that show and interest in continuing with woodturning and who are willing to participate and help the club succeed are invited to join the club. All members come from our Open Turning turners.

Interested in joining us?  Contact us about membership now.