Rebekah Gunn
Working on Workshop Bowl
Working on Workshop Bowl
Birdhouse Ornament
Birdhouse Ornament
Turned Tool Handles
Turned Tool Handles
Cherry Honey Dipper
Cherry Honey Dipper
Cherry Honey Dipper
Cherry Honey Dipper
Honey Dipper Inset
Honey Dipper Inset
Small Mahogany Box
Small Mahogany Box
Small Cherry Box
Small Cherry Box
Handturned Handles
Handturned Handles
Laminated Box
Laminated Box
Box with Fitted Lid
Box with Fitted Lid
Mahogany Box
Mahogany Box
Box at Left Open
Box at Left Open
Cherry Celebration Cup (3")
Cherry Celebration Cup (3")
Honey Dippers
Honey Dippers
Mini Vessels One
Mini Vessels One
Mini Vessels Two
Mini Vessels Two
Mini Vessels Three
Mini Vessels Three
Mini Vessels Four
Mini Vessels Four
Mini Vessels Five
Mini Vessels Five
Mini Vessels Six
Mini Vessels Six
Natural Edge Cherry Bowl (8.5" x 4")
Natural Edge Cherry Bowl (8.5" x 4")
Cedar Holiday Tree (6")
Cedar Holiday Tree (6")